var errorMessage = "An error has occurred.Call status: "; var dataWebinar = "Date Webinar"; var tCliccare = "Click on"; var tQui = "here"; var tPerAccessoWebinar = "to access to webinar"; var tLingua = "eng"; var tSuccesso = "Operation successfully held"; var tIdAnagrafica = ""; var tConfermare = "confirm"; var tChiudi = "Close"; var tErrore = "Error"; var tScegli = "Choose from list"; var tTutti = "All"; var trad = ""; var altezzasito = 0; var altfooter = 0; var larghezzasito = 0; var totaltezza = 0; var alttop = 0; var menu = $("#menusxgest"); var posizione = menu.position(); function ricercapfe(idpercorsoformativo_eventi, idpercorsoformativo, lingua) { var myElement = document.getElementById("ricercapfe").value; Richiesta(idpercorsoformativo_eventi + '||' + idpercorsoformativo + '||||' + myElement + '||||||' + lingua + '||', '/admin/iscrittipfe.asp', 'iscrittipfe', 'si') } function update_ndomande_num(n) { var nd = Math.floor($('#ndomande').val() * n / 100); $('#nd_shownum').html(nd); $('#ndomande_num').val(nd); $('#select2-ndomande_num-container').html(nd); $('#ndomande_abs').val(nd); } function update_ndomande(n) { if (n > 0) { var nn = $('#ndomande_num').val(); var np = Math.round(nn * 100 / n); var nd = Math.floor(np * n / 100); if (nd > nn) { np -= 1 } else if (nd < nn) { np += 1 } $('#ndomande').val(np); $('#nd_shownum').html(nn); $('#select2-ndomande-container').html(np); $('#ndomande_abs').val(n); } } function show_ndomande() { var input = $('#ndomande_input').val(); if (input == 0) { $('#ndperc').show(); $('#ndnum').hide(); } else { $('#ndperc').hide(); $('#ndnum').show(); } } function initGaugeS(targetId, valore) { var opts = { angle: 0, // The h4 of the gauge arc lineWidth: 0.3, // The line thickness radiusScale: 0.6, // Relative radius pointer: { length: 0.6, // // Relative to gauge radius strokeWidth: 0.035, // The thickness color: '#000000' // Fill color }, limitMax: false, // If false, max value increases automatically if value > maxValue limitMin: false, // If true, the min value of the gauge will be fixed colorStart: '#6FADCF', // Colors colorStop: '#8FC0DA', // just experiment with them strokeColor: '#E0E0E0', // to see which ones work best for you generateGradient: true, highDpiSupport: true, // High resolution support staticLabels: { font: "12px helvetica", // Specifies font labels: [0, 70, 80, 100], // Print labels at these values color: "#000000", // Optional: Label text color fractionDigits: 0 // Optional: Numerical precision. 0=round off. }, staticZones: [{ strokeStyle: "#F03E3E", min: 0, max: 70 }, // Red from 100 to 130 { strokeStyle: "#FFDD00", min: 70, max: 80 }, // Yellow { strokeStyle: "#30B32D", min: 80, max: 100 }, // Green ], } var target = document.getElementById(targetId); // your canvas element var gauge = new Gauge(target).setOptions(opts); // create sexy gauge! gauge.maxValue = 100; // set max gauge value gauge.setMinValue(0); // Prefer setter over gauge.minValue = 0 gauge.animationSpeed = 32; // set animation speed (32 is default value) gauge.set(valore); // set actual value } function mettifiltro(url, display) { $("#imgresult").attr("src", url); if (display == "none") { $(".pal").hide() $(".stotag").hide() } else { $(".pal").show() $(".stotag").show() } } function calendariocorsiajax(querystring) { $('#calendario_corsi').html('
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Dati di fatturazione inseriti correttamente

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' + tSuccesso + '

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} break; } } $(document).ready(function () { $(".allarga").mouseover(function () { //$(this).css("background-color", "yellow"); var newWidth = parseInt($(this).width()) * 2; $(this).width(newWidth); //console.log($(this).width()); }); $(".allarga").mouseout(function () { //$(this).css("background-color", "white"); $(this).width($(this).width() / 2); }); }); function coloraFiltri() { $(".select2-selection__rendered").each(function () { var text = $(this).text(); if (text.indexOf(tScegli) < 0 && text.indexOf(tTutti) < 0 && text.indexOf('--') < 0) { $(this).css("background-color", "LightBlue"); //$(this).css("color", "white"); } }); } function getCookie(cname) { let name = cname + "="; let decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); let ca = decodedCookie.split(';'); for (let i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { let c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') { c = c.substring(1); } if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) { return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } } return ""; } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { const fileInput = document.getElementById('fileInput'); const fileSizeInfo = document.getElementById('fileSizeInfo'); const errorMessage = document.getElementById('errorMessage'); const submitButton = document.getElementById('submitButton'); const maxSizeInMB = 100; // Set maximum file size to 100 MB if (!fileInput || !fileSizeInfo || !errorMessage || !submitButton) { console.log("Required elements are missing from the DOM."); return; } fileInput.addEventListener('change', function (event) { // Get the selected file const file =[0]; if (file) { // Get the file size in bytes const fileSize = file.size; // Convert the file size to megabytes (MB) const fileSizeInMB = (fileSize / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2); // Show the file size to the user fileSizeInfo.textContent = `File size: ${fileSizeInMB} MB`; // Check if the file size exceeds the maximum limit if (fileSize > maxSizeInMB * 1024 * 1024) { errorMessage.textContent = `The selected file is too large. The maximum allowed size is ${maxSizeInMB} MB.`; // Reset the file input = ''; submitButton.disabled = true; // Disable the submit button } else { errorMessage.textContent = ''; // Clear any previous error messages submitButton.disabled = false; // Enable the submit button } } else { fileSizeInfo.textContent = ''; submitButton.disabled = true; // Disable the submit button } }); document.getElementById('uploadForm').addEventListener('submit', function (event) { const file = fileInput.files[0]; if (file) { // Verify the file size again before submitting the form if (file.size > maxSizeInMB * 1024 * 1024) { errorMessage.textContent = `The selected file is too large. The maximum allowed size is ${maxSizeInMB} MB.`; event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the form from submitting } } else { errorMessage.textContent = 'Please select a file before submitting the form.'; nooscura() event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the form from submitting } }); }); function decodeHtmlEntities(text) { // Definisci una regex per trovare i caratteri del tipo '&#;' e '&#x;' const regex = /&#(?:x([a-fA-F\d]+)|(\d+));/g; return text.replace(regex, (match, hex, decimal) => { // Converti il codice esadecimale o decimale in un carattere if (hex) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16)); } else { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(decimal, 10)); } }); }